Automated Weather Observation System (AWOS)
EMT-Weather™ AWOS is a completely automated weather observing system that provides 24 hours, real-time weather data for all types of airports. This system is compatible with any sensors thus a cost-effective solution. The Enhanced Instrument Package that is designed to meet the highest level of standards includes aviation grade weather instruments that meet and/or exceed all AWOS accuracy standards
Why Choose This system

Pinpoint accuracy
Small errors can lead to significant consequences. Our precise system reduce system failure frequency and downtime

Automated alerts
Trigger warnings and clearance before severe weather arrives

Automated alerts compliance with ICAO and FAA
How it Works
System operates in several steps:
- Common AWOS system used in Malaysia is WRVR system, which is AWOS with less sensor (Visibility and Wind only)
- A visibility and wind sensor will gather data at the runway's vicinity. The EMT eBox Data Logger will then record and wirelessly transmit this data to the central server. Concurrently, an OB light will be connected to serve as an indicator for aircraft during periods of low visibility and during nighttime conditions
- WRVR serves as a safety system for both ATC operators and pilots during aircraft take-offs and landings. It functions in conjunction with other systems like ILS and ATIS

How it Works
System operates in several steps:
- Common AWOS system used in Malaysia is WRVR system, which is AWOS with less sensor (Visibility and Wind only)
- A visibility and wind sensor will gather data at the runway's vicinity. The EMT eBox Data Logger will then record and wirelessly transmit this data to the central server. Concurrently, an OB light will be connected to serve as an indicator for aircraft during periods of low visibility and during nighttime conditions
- WRVR serves as a safety system for both ATC operators and pilots during aircraft take-offs and landings. It functions in conjunction with other systems like ILS and ATIS

- The perfect blend of information
- Automated alerts to drive decisive actions that protect your operations
- Every component in the system is proven withstand in the harshest conditions
Benefits of Using Portable Automatic Weather System
- The perfect blend of information
- Automated alerts to drive decisive actions that protect your operations
- Every component in the system is proven withstand in the harshest conditions
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