A windsock is a lengthened, tapered fabric tube open at both ends and colored in red and white. It is a straightforward yet vital tool, indicating wind direction and strength. Windsocks are commonly used at airports, heliports, industrial sites, and other locations where wind conditions are essential for safety and operations. It possesses frangibility tower mast to mitigate the potential risk of unintended impact
Why Choose This system
Over 70 years of experience
Our partner spent decades developing the technology
Proven. Certified. Tested.
We meet FAA, ICAO standards
Experts in safety
Our team helps to implement the perfect weather solution to meet your needs
How it Works
Simple operations of windsock:
- As the wind flows into the larger opening, the fabric expands, forming the windsock's cylindrical shape. The extent of this expansion reflects wind strength - stronger winds inflate the windsock more than gentler breezes. By gauging the inflation level, one can estimate wind speed
- The smaller end of the windsock aligns with the wind source, offering a straightforward visual indication of wind direction
- Typically, an OB light is combined with the windsock to create a comprehensive system. This setup can be linked to a communication tower for manual control
- This is a system for the future of safety.
- We know how much it matters to get the most for your system requirement.